Saturday, June 26, 2010

When in Rome and the SAT (oh, and my final orientation!)

Good news! I got a 1920 on the SAT, which means I never need to take it again. Ever. I feel like I totally stuck it to the man, because I only had to do it once! Nanananana *tongue being stuck out immaturely*. Not to insult the people who take the SAT more than once, you guys are baller and I am jealous of your attention span.

Also, I watched When in Rome today

Josh Duhamel is really cute! Although the movie lacked the deep meaning that the fat old men who rate movies look for (thus the horrid ratings) it was sweet and fairly original, and it gave me the warm fuzzies. Sure, it had its slow moments, and the acting could've been better, but Kirsten Bell is hilarious in anything she does, and the restaurant scene was amazing. Even my dad was laughing.

And the final topic of the day; the final orientation (duh-dun-duh-dah!). It was really fun, my speech went over well, although I really should've inserted some random phrases, and we got to hang out at this gorgeous house in Reno afterwards. It was HUGE! And the pool was awesome, plus, I got to chill out with a ton of cool people and talk about exchange.

However, the best part was when Jon read "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" to us. I love that book with an amazing, deep, lasting love. I grew up with people reading that to me. If I become an English teacher, as is the plan, I will read that to the outgoing seniors. Dr. Seuss knows his stuff, and even as a sullen teenager (teehee!) I still find his simple rhymes incredibly cool. Plus, the pictures are EPIC!

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