Sunday, September 19, 2010

Orientation Weekend!

This weekend was really fun. I enjoyed it immensely.

For those of you who didn't know, I went to Strecno, Slovakia for an inbound orientation this weekend. I left on Friday afternoon and got back Sunday around noon. It was really nice to meet all the other inbounds who were totally able to realte with me

'kay, storytime!

We went to Strecno Castle and it was super cool! We had to climb this huge hill to get to it though (see the pictures on the website, you will understand what I mean...) and it was quite strenuos. That's not my story though. We got a tour of the castle, and when we got to the dungeon, the tour guide goes, "Oh, and see those props? Yeah, some American film-makers left those from when they shot the movie Dragonheart." I thought that was pretty cool, personally.

Also in Strecno castle, there was this lady Zsofia Bosnyak, who was known for her kindness, great personality, etc., etc., and so she died, right? Forty-five years later, these soldiers who were invading the castle found her body in a crypt below the chapel and they thought she was asleep becuase her body was so perfectly perserved. So her body was around for awhile and it eventually made it into a museum and she stayed there for awhile until some jerk had a dream she was a witch, or something, and torched her body (total douche...)

One more thing about Strecno Castle, we all know a wee bit about medievil toilets right. They protruded from the wall and the "human waste" was just sort of dropped from the castle. SO apparently at this castle, they had tiolet paper. Furry toilet paper. Yes folks, the inhabitants of Strecno Castle used live kittens to wipe their nether areas... I have trouble imagining that... kittens have claws... Anyways.

When we were walking back from the castle, there was this dog. He was just sort of walking along, chillin' and it was the coolest thing ever. I have never been so certain that animals are actually really smart... He was like walking along the sidewalk and stopping and peeing at specific spots and sniffing, like he was checking up on the neighborhood. He didn't have any people with him either, he was just a dog on a mission. It was so cool...

Then, on the way home, my host mom and I stopped at a Cukrana and bought legit Czech Pastries... so good... they were completely different from the average American pastry (ie, the doughnut) and I have to say they were absolutely awesome.

We also went to these gardens right next to my route to school today. It was totally gorgeous, the gardens were designed in the French style and there was a hedge maze! There was also a wall with all these life sized figurines from Greek mythology... so cool...

So that was pretty much my weekend, I will be doing a seperate post about my shoes (with pictures) later on, so get excited!!!

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