Saturday, July 24, 2010

Craziest Week of My Life

Last night, I had a dream the world was ending and everything was flooding, it was strange...

Anyways, this week has been by far the worst of my life. I am taking a college English class to make up for some of what I am missing while on foreign exchange, and we had an awful week this week. A huge 2,000 word essay on a topic from a list that was provided and we only had one night to do it. Not to mention, I worked every day this week from 12:30 to 5:30 after I got out of class. It was a lot and I almost had a breakdown... However, I made it through the week alive and kicking, although my essay was rather insubstantial (1,200 words instead of 2,000).

Fortunately I only have one more week to finish before I can rest easy and try to finish up all my language learning so I don't have a breakdown in the Czech Republic. The first language test should be coming soon and I have no idea how well I am going to do on it. I don't even know the format, however, it should be fun.

Also, a little bragging from me, here are all my scores on the various tests I had to take before I could leave:


ACT: 30

AP English Tests (Junior and Senior ones): 5 and 4

Yay! Now I am totally clear for two years of English, and since my college applications will mostly be riding on my test scores (my GPA is not very good...) I feel much safer now that I did before!

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