Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Revisitation of Romance Novels

Soooo, if anyone remembers my previous posting about romance novels, I thought I would go a little more in depth as to why I like them so much. There are no sad endings, and in the end, everyone is happy, and no one is sad (except for perhaps the jerk who lost his inheritance or whatever...)

And why I like Jennifer Crusie so much in particular, her characters aren't flawless and they don't feel like I am reading someone else's awkward erotic fantasy. In her books, the heroines aren't blessed with flowing raven locks and docile (yet brave!) personalities. They are normal women with problems. For example, the character of Minerva in Bet Me is overweight, and her mother is a total (excuse my language) bitch. Her ex-boyfriend is a jerk (we've all been there) and her sisters getting married to her best friends ex-boyfriend. Problems abound, and not ones where the heroine is trapped without her inheritance and needs a brave pirate to save her (seriously, I guarantee there is a book out there like that).

Anyways, that's mainly why I like her books, they're very believable, and I never tire of getting lost in them.

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