Thursday, September 2, 2010

Birkenstocks, Birkenstocks.... Birkies!

I can't download a picture of Birkies, but feel free to google them and absorb their gorgeousness... just keep thinking gorgeousness.

The reason for my sudden obsession with Birkies is the fact that I have to wear them at school every day. Fortunately, I am not the only one. The most popular guy in the school (whomever he may be) also rocks the Birkenstock at school every day. Awesome! It's really cool to see a bunch of teenage boys wearing shoes that I remember seeing on my grandma. Either way, I won't make fun, since that means I would be making fun of myself. I have to wear them too, and guess what?!?!? Mine are pastel green. Jealous? Yeah, I thought so.

The reason for the Birkie wearing teenage population of Gymnazium Kromeriz? Inside shoes! Every day when we get to school, we change from our outside shoes into our inside shoes (ie the Birkies). Unfortunately, this also means that everyone can see that my socks don't match, ever.... *ahem*

Anyways, I thought that I would also share some other news with y'all. I will be taking ballroom dancing! With a total stranger! I honestly can't remember his name too... it's hard for me to remember Czech names because they sound so different than American names, but I will definitely be working on that issue. Either way, as I was sitting innocently in my classroom, listening to Czech students talk, and all of the sudden, the equivalent of my homeroom teacher (I can't remember her name either) comes in and goes, "Emma, come meet your dancing partner". So this guy comes in, and he's kinda tall, so I have to tilt my head to talk to him, and he tries to speak English, and I just sit there dumbfounded because he's tall and really awkward and I couldn't think of anything to say in English or Czech that could even make sense. So we just stand there... Awkwardly. And then he leaves and I turn to see a good portion of the class looking at me. And the thing is, I don't even know if he counts as good looking. Like, he would be okay in America, but here? I have no clue if I am dancing with Prince Charming or the Ugly Duckling... oh well, watevs.

Oh, and one more story before I go. Also today, we had math. I don't normally like math, and I wasn'tlooking forward to it because math in Czech is probably harder than math in English. But the thing was, they started doing problems and I recognized them! It was awesome, the first thing I recognized all day. So there I am doing review work with the rest of them and really enjoying it. They were going around the room, going up to the board, and doing review problems. When they got to me, the math teacher said I didn't have to. It's probably the most disapppointment I have felt the whole entire time I've been here... Definitely volunteering next time!


  1. hahahhaha oh the birkenstocks... it sounds like you are having an interesting time so far! let me know how the ballroom dancing goes :) who knows, maybe the awkward duckling and you can tango well together...!

  2. How cool that you have no clue if he is the "ugly duckling" or not...You get to decide for yourself if you like people! You can be the cool American who loves everyone Emma:-)
