Monday, September 20, 2010

I can take care of myself!

I am feelin' pretty badass right now, if I do say so myself. I did stuff BY MYSELF today!!!!

After school got out, I went and got lunch at the cafeteria... same old same old

And after that, I went shopping at the drug store, by myself! I bought a razor (left mine at the hotel in Strecno...) and shaving cream, and a comb (mine is still in the USA) and I did it all by myself!

And then, I went and got ice cream (it's only like 50 cents for a cone, take that, ordered it in Czech, and the cashier understood me (he also knows I am american though...)

And then, I went to the bookstore and bought a pocket dictionary by myself!!!

I am just so happy, and proud of myself, as you can see...

Also, I slept for three hours after I got home from school today, so that was really nice, and tomorrow is dancing class and some sort of special event, so it should be really fun.

Dobrou noc!

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