Friday, September 10, 2010

I sucked the floor...

So today, in English, my teacher told a story about one of her students saying, instead of,"I vacuumed the floor." or, "I hoovered the floor." (they speak British English here), they said, "I sucked the floor." I was laughing so hard, I almost fell off my excercise ball.

*side story*: the English classroom has excercise balls in it instead of chairs, they are very bouncy.

Anyways, after my teacher said, "I sucked the floor." I was thinking, That's what she said! fortunately, I curbed the desire to say it out loud, mostly because my teacher would ask me to explain it and then I would get in trouble.

Then, in geometry

*side story #2* I switched from Latin to Geometry. I feel that the need to explain this is nullified by that fact that being taught latin in a foreign language is very confusing, especially when you understand latin better than the foreign language.

Anyways, in Geometry, the teacher tried to say six, and she said, "Six?!?! SEX?!?!?" I kid you not. I was laughing and so were a few of the English speaking kids in the class.

I think today was just one of those kind of days, you know?

One more thing, if you want to send me a letter (I received a very nice one today) feel free to mail me at the following address:

Emma Brooks
c/o Zabadal
Vinohradky 4346/15
Kromeriz, 76701
Czech Republic

and I will reply with a letter when I get the chance,

That's all folks!

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