Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Long Day (and it's not over yet...)

So this morning, I forgot to tell Nikola that she could get a ride with us, so that was dumb/absent-minded of me. Then, when I went to the ATM before class, there were these to women. And they were in front of the ATM muttering in czech and clearly having issues. I had to wait 15 minutes for them to get their stuff together. By then I was late for school. So I went to pull the 10,000 Kc for my emergency fund to give to the Rotary Club, the ATM only let me pull 5,000 Kc. GAH!

And then in PE we had to do this stupid jumping thing, and we had to do hurdles too. Fortunately (or unfortunately...) we had assistance. Two other girls would hold on to one's elbows and give her a boost over the hurdles. I was the one who had to jump and I sort of stalled right at the beginning, so the PE teacher (who is very reminescent of Mr. Douchler, *ahem* I mean Mr. Dechsler) moved one of the girls and grabbed my elbow and dragged me over the hurdles. It was scary...

P.S. I changed the template, the page was a little to dark for me.

Dance class also happens to be this evening. Everyone is super excited, I am excited in a sort of detached way... I am not certain what to expect, so it sort of dampens my expectations. All I know is I have to wear heels and pantyhose. Not really my cup of tea, oh well, I am certain it will turn out to be at least an interesting experience, if not an amazing one.

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