Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today I made a mistake in my own language...

Yep, it happened, stupid English class workbooks!

Anyways, I don't want to talk about those silly shenangians anymore, I want to get on to betters things like...


Hold onto your hats, folks, as I tell you what we did today:

-ran 800 m at a jog (half a mile)
-did high knees and the works
-ran with resistance (Nikola holding on to me while I tried to run forward, and trust me, it looked even dumber than it sounds)
-sprinted 60 m (I think I was the slowest!)
-ran another 800 m

That's it. No games, no fun, no TEAMWORK!

haha, and I only have to do that once a week.

Anyways, I am tired, and I have to be at school early again tomorrow...

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