Monday, October 11, 2010

A Long Post

So, I believe that today's post will end up being very long, and there will probably be a few misspellings too, so bear with me...

First, France. It was pretty great,although a little bit tiresome. I didn't like the hours and hours we spent riding on the bus (about six each day). We went to several places, wlthough I barely remember a few due to extreme confusion and bus-lag. The places I specifically remember enjoying are: Mont St. Michal and Normandy. We also visited Paris, but we only spent one day there and it was at the end of the trip so I was pretty much gone. Plus it was raining and my shoes were setting a world record for water-retention.

Mont St. Michal was beautiful, and super mysterious. I kept expecting a freaky old woman to beckon me into a dark corner so that I could travel to amazing and unexpected worlds. Unfortunately, that didn't happen... The place was still gorgeous though. Huge and confusing and gorgeous and awesome. I would totally want to live there, except there was this infestation of mosquitoes that was rather bothersome.

Normandy was great, we went to the town and to Omaha beach, and I was all pysched because it's an important place for America too. The ocean there was this really pretty shade of blue-green and I thoroughly enjoyed putting my feet in.

Paris was really nice, but I am not dreadfully fond of loud bustling places filled with abnormally well-dressed and attractive people, so as you can imagine, Paris was not the place for me. I understand other people's passion for the place, but personally, I found other parts of the trip to be much more interesting for me.

Since returning home from France, my life has continued at a pretty normal pace. My basic schedule for the week is this:

Monday: Czech Tutoring and Rotary Meeting
Tuesday: Dance Lessons
Wednesday: Choir
Thursday: Art Lesson
Friday: Singing/Choir #2

So my week is veyr full of the arts, which is not what I imagined would happen, but it is very nice anyways. We are learning bow to draw the human body in art class so I have been drawing a lot of shirtless and pantsless (AKA naked) men. I don't know why we haven't drawn any women yet...

Yesterday I went bowling with a few people from my class. It was terrible. I think I broke the world record for gutterballs and crashing throws that made everyone wince in sympathy for the floor. I am a terrible bowler, I have no hand eye coordination and a general dislike for round objects that are meant to be thrown (I would have just said balls, but I know my friends read this and they are immature and saying that I don't like balls would make them snicker...)

There is an English style park in Kromeriz that I have decided I want to live in. It's absolutely gorgeous, especially right now because all of the trees are turning and there's a ton of crunchy leaves around. I have been doing a lot of jumping on crunchy leaves lately, and it makes me very happy!

Anyways, I think that pretty much gets everything up to date...

(PS I just tried to do spellcheck, but it's in Czech, so sorry for any misspellings...)


  1. About balls:
    We're playing basketball in PE right now, and every time Mr. Merriman wants us to focus and pay attention to what he's saying (instead of dribbling the ball while he's talking) he says "Hold your balls!" which I , of course, think is very funny, but unfortunately, the majority of my class does not find it funny. I miss your sense of humour :(

  2. Living with mostly boys in my house, I totally enjoy the humor:-) Your writing is great, and I love your adventure.
