Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pancakes and Movies (two of my very favoritest things!)

As I write this, my final pancake in the batch is cooking. Thanks to my darling friend Rachel back in the states, I have Krusteaz Buttermilk pancake mix, thus, pancakes! They were quite delicious, seeing as I put plain white yogurt on them with a little bit of honey (there was no maple syrup to be found in the house, I think maple syrup is an American/Canadian thing)

I also had pancakes yesterday (palacinky, in czech). They had almond sauce and chocolate sauce on them, with whip cream too. They were thin and a little bit like crepes, also, the whip cream (slehacka) wasn't sweetened and kinda tasted like butter, which was good, but a little bit strange for me.

The hot chocolate here is amazing! American hot chocolate doesn't stand a chance in comparison. The chocolate here is thick and creamy and rich and sweet, and I absolutely love it. I could live off the stuff. Of course, it probably has four hundred million calories and enough sugar and fat to clog your arteries into eternity, but its amazingly crazy delicious and I absolutely cannot get enough of it!

As far as movies go, I managed to see two in a row, one on friday night and one on saturday. The first movie I saw was Knight and Day with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. I have to say, that although Tom Cruise may be Tom Cruise Crazy (please note that that was a link for you to click on and enjoy) he still has some serious sexy going on for him in this movie. I also went and saw another movie this weekend in Brno that was really good (although it was in Czech with no english subs.) it was called something I can't spell, and the english translation the title would be something like "Identification Documents" (I will ask my host mom later for the info. in case anyone wants to Google it)

It was a very good movie, and I almost cried, although a lot of things have been making me cry lately. Exchange student emotions I guess...

Anyways, it was about the communist system issuing ID booklets to everyone in the Czech Republic during the 60's and 70's (I am not exactly sure about the time frame). A lot of people rebelled and the movie centered around four boys and their fight to be themselves in a time of emotional slavery. Or something like that. Either way it was very good and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I am going bowling for the second time since I have been here today, I was really nervous last time and that plus the fact that I am a terribley uncoordinated person to begin with made me the very worst person there. I am almost certain I set a new record for gutter balls....

Anyways, wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. The closest thing I have ever had (for hot chocolate) to what you describe is a seasonal thing at Starbucks. I can't even order the actual hot chocolate because it's just too much, so I get the sample size cup. Thick, chocolatey, and I think there is even a buttery flavor to it. Like drinking a dark chocolate brownie. Calories-schmalories! It's once a year if that...
