Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Tango Took Out My Toenail!

Last night we learned the tango, well, everyone except me learned the tango. While me and my partner were doing the beginning steps, he kicked back my toenail and we had to go get a band-aid. It was not a bad one though and we got back in time to learn my new favorite dance. It's called the "rock-and-roll" here, but I think it is something more akin to the Jitterbug. It's super fun, even though the only thing we have learned so far is "kick right, step ball change, kick right, kick left" over and over. It's a little hard in heels, but it's totally American Graffiti/The Shag style dancing, and I thoroughly enjoy it. We even got to dance to "Jailhouse Rock"!

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