Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So, last week, I went on a very cool weeklong vacation to a ski area in Austria known as Nassfeld. It's a HUGE ski area with sooooo many runs and lifts and random stuff and it was amazing and awesome and... everything was intermediate. I know I shouldn't complain since it was Austria and all, but this is just something I have to say, the runs were extremely crowded with fairly inexperienced skiers and a lot of idiots. It was a little terrifying at times simply because it would get so incredibly crowded on a run and if you fell, you were taking people down with you, or vice versa. So I guess my main list of things I disliked about Nassfeld were the crowds, the lack of variety in the runs, and the snow.

Unfortunately, the snow wasn't that good. I think it may have more to do with European weather patterns here than anything else. Someone told me that because of where Europe is globally, they have heavier snow, which I can believe. The snow was incredibly heavy and it was ALL moguls and ice patches at the end of the day, which was a little sketchy in borrowed ski gear...

Anyways, now the good things. The weather was absolutely gorgeous the first and last day of our skiing (we skied five days in a row) The first day after our arrival, we woke up and it was so foggy we just didn't go skiing.We went to a thremal pool-bath-thingy that was really, really nice. The second day we were there, the weather was beautiful and we ended up skiing for about six hours, which was AMAZING. Then it was foggy for the next three days, so we skiied maybe four or so hours on those days. The snow got a little weird...

Then, the last day, the weather cleared up (although a nasty looking cloud front was on the horizon right as we left in the afternoon) and that's when most of my photos were taken.

The views were absolutely amazing. I think it's almost impossible to capture the true beauty of Nassfeld, the Alps, or any great sight in general unless you are Ansel Adams, or some similarly talented photographer. My digital camera certainly did not do the mountainous beauty justice.

As far as everything else goes, I haven't been up to much. I am going to another ball on March 5th and I will take a ton of pictures (I will actually wear the dress I bought for another ball that I couldn't go to due to Rotary Obligations).

Oh! And, I am scrambling to figure out my visa constraints.

Here's the issue, my visa expires on the 30th of June and that's the same day school ends. I am set to leave right now on the 28th... This is not good, I really don't want to miss the end of school, it's kind of like going to the Fourth of July and leaving jsut before the fireworks.

Anyways, so I am going to see if leaving two days later is going to get me sent to some high security prison in the middle of the CZ...

And that's all folks!

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