Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Finally Spring!

So, recently, Spring has sprung! I am so happy, all the sunlight makes me want to rip off my clothes and run through the streets in my underwear!


Anyways, it's amazing how a change in weather can so clearly affect everyone's (and everything's) mood. It's like all the gray from winter just got wiped away and everything is in color again. It makes me quite happy.

Otherwise, nothing interesting has happened this month. I had a ball, but no Prince Charming showed up... (see Picasa for pictures of my in my cinderella dress!). I believe March is set to be the most boring month of my exchange. I am not doing anything remotely exciting.

I think it's technically the first time I will just be LIVING in the Czech Republic. You know, going to school, having a routine, habits, things like that...

However, once April hits, it will get busy again. First, my parents are visiting (yay!) then I am going on a long Rotary trip to Poland and Auschewitz (interesting!) and then I am going on the two week Eurotrip (GAH! SO EXCITED!) and then there's a few weeks, then the farewell trip for exchange students (*tear*) and then about a week later... I go home...

Wow, so it's kind of almost over, even though I have about four months left...

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