Monday, March 21, 2011

One of those days...

Today was one of those days that just sort of started out bad and never really got better...

It started when my super cute tennis shoes that I bought in a fit of mad desire (that have strawberries on them and they were on SALE!) tore my heels into ribbons, leaving bloodstains the size of half dollars on my nice white Hello-Kitty socks. I know I can fix them with a little sewing, but it still hurt like no other.

Then, after school (and limping home) I decided to clean out my bathroom. Let's just say, unattended drains... not fun. I made some new mold pet friends and used about a half a bottle of some sort of Clorox-y substance. Thank goodness, my bathroom is now presentable to society (and me in the early hours when I just want to take a freaking shower).

Then, I had to do a ton of laundry. Laundry is never fun, there is no fun aspect of laundry. The only potential fun in laundry is knowing that you will have plenty sparkly clean socks and underwear dry and ready the next day.

Then, I decided to take a quick run to get some (much needed) excercise. I wanted to try to do a loop and headed off in the opposite direction than I usually go to see if I could find a path... I couldn't find a path and ended up running on a dirty dusty road for about 1.3 Km before giving up and turning around. I was sort of aiming for more than 2.6 Km overall, so I think I will try running to the river tomorrow... Oh, and on the way back I got attacked by rogue gnats. So all the cars driving past got to see me screaming and jumping around in circles trying to get them out of my eyelashes... Plus my new running pants like to ride low and I was yanking them up the whole time. Free show for all the drivers!

And that was my crummy day, I think tomorrow will be better though. These things never last long.

AND on the bright side, my parents are visiting in two weeks!!! YAY!!!

AND AND my czech is getting a lot lot lot better. Like, muchos better (or I should say mnoho better!)

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