Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shutter Island and Romance Novels

Yeah, Shutter Island is a freaky movie. Really really freaky, or scary, or just a little confusing. I won't give the ending away and I actually don't really want to think about it anymore, so on to my other topic of the day: romance novels.
In my eyes, there are two kinds of romance novels, the kind that teenagers like and the kind that old women with a affinity for red lipstick like. Me, being a teenager, I like romance novels with believable characters, nice, decent-looking, men, with a few issues up their sleeve, but nothing unbelievable.

Then there's the lipstick kind, the ones with the barrel chested hotties and the tiny maidens on their covers, with titles like Ravished and stuff like that. Where the heriones are feisty virgins and end up in bad situations with men that have vowed never to love, but still fall and Ravish (I should make that a trademark...) the innocent virgins. Then they get pissed off at each other, there's a misunderstanding, they have an encounter, things get better, they get married, have five kids, and live happily ever after.... Yeah, I like my romance novels better. Okay, so they still sort of fall under the same Ravished sort of trademark, but they're not as overdone. When I read Ravished novels, I tend to feel as if I am in someone else's awkward fantasy.

*Ahem* Exhibit A

Beautiful six pack, I get dizzy every time I look at it...

Anyways, point proven. Now, I have never actually read this book, it could be an amazing and scintillating work of literature fit for only the finest readers. Or it could be exactly what I think it is: (P.S. It sounds way better if read in a Scottish accent!)


Davina Montgomery is no ordinary English lady. For her own protection, she's been locked away from society, her true identity the Crown's most guarded secret. Until a shocking betrayal--and a bold rescue--land her in the arms of a fierce Highlander, a powerful warrior whose searing gaze and tantalizing touch awaken her body and soul.


As the firstborn son of a powerful Scottish laird, Robert MacGregor has not loylaty to the English throne, but he's not the kind of man to leave a woman in distress, even if she is English. He vows to return Davina to safety, unharmed and untouched. Yet one stolen kiss leaves them both smoldering with desire... and desperate for more. With Davina's secret threatening to destroy his clan, Rob must choose between everything he holds dear and the one woman he can't live without.

Actually, I would read that. I mean, all the reviews on Amazon were pretty good and it got four and a half stars. Stephen King's books don't do nearly as well as that sometimes. I'm not gonna do a Stephen King rant tonight though. I really dislike him sometimes.

Anyways, here's an example of the kind of romance novel I read:

And it's quite good, thank you very much. I love it actually. Warm characters and an adorably ridiculous dog.

Yeah, that's pretty much all I can think of. I might actually go read that book now, the Highlander one. My imagination could use some Ravishing...

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