Tuesday, December 21, 2010

And we're back!

Okay, so I know it's been awhile since I posted, and I said last time that I would post more, but as we all know, I have trouble getting motivated sometimes.

This post is porbably going to be pretty random since a lot of things have happened in the past few weeks....

Let's see, I went to the weekend in Prague with Rotary, which was a lot of fun, although extremely exhausting (we were up until 1 AM both nights and had to get up pretty early too!)

We did all the basic touristy stuff in Prague, but I have to say that my favorite activity was probably the hockey game we attended. It wasn't very crowded (Slavia VS. Sparta) but it was really fun. We sat on the Sparta side, so obviously I was cheering for Sparta (not to mention, what's not fun about yelling "SPARTA!" at the top of your lungs, totally 300!). The game itself was good too, the first half was a little boring, Slavia scored three points, but the second half was really tense because Sparta scored two points and it almost looked like they might have caught up (although I am no hockey expert at all, I don't even know the rules) but it was still really fun to go watch.

I really want to buy a geeky fangirl hockey jersey for the Sparta team, but I really don't know where to look and when I tried to explain my interest to my host mom she got really confused. My host family isn't really a sports-loving group of people.

Also, I will be moving to my new family (The Hrabels) on December 30th (right before New Years!) and thus will have a new mailing address. If you are planning on sending me a package (nudge nudge, wink wink, just kidding) then you might want to wait until I can give you guys my new mailing address.

As of right now I am trying to make chocolate chip cookies, albeit with a few substitutions:

Instead of Brown Sugar I used granulated sugar combined with fake maple syrup
Instead of Vanilla Extract I used "Vanilla Sugar" (don't ask me what it is, I don't know)
Instead of baking soda, I am using Baking Powder (I think, I am not really sure....)

Anyways, I just pulled them out of the oven. Good news, they taste fine, but they are more like small chocolate chip cakes than cookies.... I have no idea why.

They taste good though, albeit a little sugary....

Anyways, that's pretty much all that's been going on. Winter Break starts the day after tomorrow for us, so I will be sure to do a Christmas/New Years post, with pictures and stuff.

Also, pics. from the Prague Trip with Rotary are now in the slideshow.


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