Thursday, December 2, 2010

Long Long Long Post

Okay, so I have had a ton of important/shareable stuff happen since Tuesday, so if you are a skim reader and only want to check to see if I am alive (AKA not my mom) then this post is not for you.

Anyways, on Wednesday, I had what could possibly be described as the BEST DAY EVER!

We went to Vienna and it was so so so awesome!

I got to sleep in late because we didn't have to leave until eleven... then we drove for about an hour and stopped at this really good restaurant right on the border. I had pancakes and all this other good stuff too. I even had french fries!

It was quite delicious.

Then, we drove the rest of the way in to Vienna. It was snowing a ton and everything was really white and pretty, although the roads were kinda awful.

Then we parked and went in to the Frida Kahlo exhibit. It was super duper cool. I am not a huge fan of her style, but her life was incredibly interesting and her paintings wree quite interesting to look at and read about (the plaques were in German and English).

Then we did a little walking and went to the Michealangelo exhibit. Also amazing, he had quite an interesting life too. I especially liked the two sculptures that were displayed. They looked like they could start moving at any moment...

Then we walked to the Christmas Market, by this time it was dark and everything was lit up, plus it was still snowing a little, which made everything really really gorgeous.

We walkeda aroudn for an hour or so, had some punch, etc. then we hopped in the car and drove back to Kromeriz. It was amazing and I hope I get to see Vienna again before I go back to America.

Okay, so that was yesterday.

Today, started out like any other day, you know "Woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head..." etc. etc.

Then, after lunch (PS thanks to Megi for totally saving me foodwise!) I met up with my host mom and we went to a special education school to have a look around because my neighbor works there.

Let me just say, America, shame on you! This place was absolutely amazing. The school was clean and nice with huge well lit rooms. Lots of space and fresh air, the teachers were all incredibly good natured and happy to let us in to see the classrooms. The place was amazing, and frankly, after seeing it, I find the conditions of the special ed rooms in America to be absolutely awful. The one at my middle school, was tiny, poorly lit, depressing, and it always smelled a little funky, even though the place was almost brand new.

Also, while I was exploring the school, I ran into someone from, you guessed it! CALIFORNIA. I honestly cannot remember the woman's name, but she was from San Francisco (and of course, knew where Truckee was)

Her son had married a czech girl and lives in Prague and his mom works in Kromeriz in the school, so she was there with them. She could barely speak any czech and her accent was really funny to hear.

It was weird for me to speak with another American, mainly because I thought of her as American... but not myself. I don't think that I am American anymore, but I am not Czech either. It was very strange to experience, although I was glad to be able to speak rapid fire english again and be understood.

So that is the end of the Long Long Long Post

Expect photos from Vienna to be up soon!

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