Sunday, December 26, 2010

My Skiing Adventure (kind of...)

So today... I went skiing! Whoo! It was... okay. Don't get me wrong, I really like skiing, but the place we went wasn't exactly what you would call "awe-inspiring".

You see, there's this place called Stupava and there is one very nice hill with a tow rope. The snow is very interesting, a layer of ice covered by a layer of slightly mushy half powder. It is the closest ski area to my town and my host family likes to go out there. I guess I was spoiled as a child, just because I got to go to places like Northstar and Alpine Meadows.

So we went to Stupava, and I went down the hill ten times, waxing eloquent about Truckee the whole entire time in my head. As I now know, I am spoiled rotten when it comes to skiing.

Also, here comes a major European vs. Truckee culture difference. People totally drink while they are skiing. Not get wasted or anything, but it's really common to have hot wine or something in between runs or with a quick snack. I know that some people have a beer or whatever when they are out skiing, but it's not really a culture thing. Here, it is part of the experience to, "Stop to take a coffee/punch." as my host dad eloquently puts it. It is so strange for me because when I go out to Northstar or where-ever, all I am going to do is ski. If I want to buy coffee, I would not trust the lodge to provide the good stuff, so I don't. [Plus,let's face it, most of the stuff they sell on the slopes is wayyyyyyy expensive!]

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